These bundles of green cling to tree branches all over Austin. Their strikingly creative name is "ball moss" (it was pretty easy to find them when I googled "mossy balls in austin trees"). But contrary to their name, they are not moss at all. They are air plants! Bromeliads. Tillandsia recurvata. Names aside, I collected a bunch and brought them inside to paint.
Hope Outdoor Gallery a.k.a Graffiti Park
The Austin street art -- murals, slaps, wheatpaste posters and the like -- is awesome.
And the Hope Outdoor Gallery is like a street art mecca. According to their website, this space launched at the 2011 SXSW with the help of Shepard Fairey. It appears they would like to have some control over what goes up, but there seemed to be plenty of non-sanctioned painting happening.
They're looking for a new home, since this spot is destined for development.