happy spring equinox


happy spring equinox ☀️

The world and its happenings may feel large and beyond our control, but we can take action in our own backyards. Grow a little garden, put out water for the birds, make choices that are good for the honeybees and butterflies. And with the same intent, wave to your neighbor, put something cheerful on your front door, visit your library and local farmstand. Mend torn clothes. Read good books. Make beautiful things and appreciate them as well. Find joy tending to yourself and your home. I believe, it all matters.

Enjoy this collection of little gardens and functional florals, in celebration of the 2025 vernal equinox — marking the point when our days begin to be brighter.


 "Il faut cultiver notre jardin." - Voltaire, Candide


The Little Garden Prints are a series of twenty monoprints created by painting acrylic ink on a silkscreen and pulling the ink through the mesh in a single swipe. This can only be done one time, meaning each print is unique. Some residual ink remains on the mesh after a pull and this ghost of the previous painting informs my composition when I paint a new layer of ink. In this way, each garden print is connected.


“As long as the Earth can make a spring every year, I can.” - alice walker


Throughout 2024, I sourced vintage and second-hand table textiles from local flea markets and auctions. Once word got out, I was also gifted these vintage items. I’m especially interested in doilies, as it seems that machines cannot crochet and so any crocheted doily you encounter was crafted by hand. In the coldest and darkest months of winter, I scoured these objects which had yellowed with age, created dye baths of natural matter and gave them a fresh look for a new season in their lives.


Thank you for visiting my spring equinox shop.

Once the days warm up a bit more, I’ll be able to open my ceramics studio again for the 2025 working season and will begin listing new work online & sharing honor system pottery stand dates.